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Monday, September 6, 2010

Odd stuff...

Shit, did I have a weird dream. It started while I was at work in my theater. My boss comes in and notices a co-worker who is just fucking around and not doing his job. He is talking to his friends while I'm behind concession just looking on, and bored out of my mind. The dude is asked to clean something up several times, "Hey, can you please do this? Excuse me, excuse me. Look, I'm not going to ask you again." So, I guess the dude eventually does what he is asked, but then goes back to doing whatever is doing. There are a lot of people in lobby so the boss attempts to keep a happy face when going to the employee once again. You know how that goes.

Anyway, there are these kids around the theater and the parents aren't with them for some reason. I ask them, "Where are your parents?" They have no idea and I begin to look for them and go outside. I notice there is smoke nearby and over head I hear a chopper with a water tang under it rush over and I'm guessing the fire was put out because the next thing I know, the chopper is landing to put out the fire.

Meanwhile, as I walk up the grass hill that appears out of nowhere, it's just there, I notice a shitload of cops. There is one cop who appears to be a midget and he is feeding his fellow office who I'm not sure even has any legs and just a torso and feet. She isn't speaking or saying anything but seems to communicate with the dude with just head gestures. I suppose they are together or something but not really sure. And since they are both cops, it made me aware that this is a dream because I'm sure in reality there wouldn't be midget cops. But the one dude looked really buff but it was a little disturbing to look at them. Anyway, after the fire and all that is out, I leave the hill...and probably go back to work, I couldn't tell ya. And then I wake up...