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Sunday, July 1, 2012

London Cloud

It all starts while I'm attending what seems to be a college in England. I'm not exactly where in England, but I'm guessing somewhere in London. Anyway, this place is huge! It's one building with an old Gothic style to it. It's about a block long, and from the outside, one would first guess it to be a church. Perhaps at one point it was, but now it is a college. The exterior is filled with freezes and gargoyles glaring and protecting the building from intruders. Standing on it's own with no other structure around it, the old cathedral-turned-college is surrounded by a grassy courtyard with a lake nearby. Walking with some schoolmates outside of the school, the sky suddenly turns dark and gloomy. Why do we have to have rain on such a gorgeous day? Oh well. We all continue just walking around. This school courtyard has newsstands, an outdoor farmers market and shopping center as well as people selling glasses and such on those portable wagon stands that one would see at the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, Ca. I spot some fruits that I want to purchase when all of a sudden this huge cloud comes out of the sky. It stands out like a sore thumb. Now, mind you this is not some ordinary cloud. The sky is already filled with clouds. However, this particular cloud looks like something out of Mario. An evil cloud. It's shape is almost that of a round marshmallow. And on the front of the cloud, there is a black lightning bolt imprinted on it. It is almost drawn on the cloud itself, sitting there like an hour glass on the back of a black widow. All of a sudden, it gets windy and something or someone seems to be coming out of the cloud. That is when all hell breaks loose. Out of nowhere, these flying creatures, which appear to be bat-like creatures head down for the school. Only these weren't bats. These weren't aliens either. They appeared to be ghosts of some sort. Deformed ghosts with fangs and heads of a human bodies of a manta ray. There are dozens of these damn things flying around and circling the cathedral. My friend and I look up and duck for cover. What the fuck are these things? Could they have all just come from this one random looking cloud in the sky? No, it wasn't possible. Was it? Anyway, as everyone runs for cover, these things begin to swoop down and just maim the shit out of some of the students. Like a flock of birds going for the kill, they catch their prey and just tear any living aspect of them. My best friend Larry has his insides taken out in just a few seconds. It's horrible. After some more deaths occur, my friend Willy has a sudden idea. He wants us to just thinking happy thoughts. "Hey, instead of just running for our lives from these random assholes, let's just think happy thoughts and not worry about them at all. It's worth a shot. These things seem to love feeding on our fear, literally and metaphorically, so let's just give them a taste of their own medicine and not give a damn." I agree and when everyone follows his advice, these beings are not any harm to us. As to how everyone listened to him is beyond me, but it worked. As the beings stop killing us, we all suddenly rise above the ground and seem to inherit their bodies. It is a wonderful experience because we can experience flying for the first time. Granted, it is in circles around the cathedral but these beings seem to be able to fly in and out of the building with no effort. I find myself going around the building and it's a great view of England! It's quite spectacular. I then find myself flying in and out around the roof of the building and when I look down, I realize what a drop it must be. Why are they making us experience flying in their bodies? Very odd. I then realize I have no control over what I am doing. I am thinking, and have a mind of my own, but my body seems to be one with one of the creatures so it is still controlling me. Then, I notice someone else flying. But something odd happens to them. They are blinking. Like a video game where your character blinks when on the verge of death, I notice him blinking and then suddenly fall to the ground. I didn't look to see if he survived or not but just kept flying through the air...until the same thing happens to me. As I make another pass around the building, I start to feel myself blinking in and out in the body I possessed, and as I look down, I am relieved that I will fall into the water. However, the last blink occurs and I fall several feet from the water. I land on my feet oddly enough and I feel this pain in my back. Looking up at the sky, I notice that these strange creatures have left and descended back into that malevolent cloud in the sky with the lightening bold printed on it, and then it just continues to be a gloomy rainy day. Happy that I am safe, I cringe from the pain at the base of my spine. ...And then I wake up... And as I wake up in my room, that same pain is there at the base of my spine...