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Monday, August 6, 2012

Not cool...So real...

So, I'm working at the box office in my theater job. I usually work in there more and more often these days. I don't care to work concessions all that much and have grown accustomed to work in the box office. In any case, the nightmare I had last night was so real I swear it really happened, or may be a foreshadow of what may happen in the future...I hope to God not though. It all started one night at work. At times, when one has to use the bathroom, one must find someone to temporarily watch the box office just in case customers might come to buy tickets or ask questions. Well, this time I went to use the restroom and didn't ask for anyone to cover the box office for me. So, when I returned, I noticed that the entire counter was gone; including all the registers and computer systems. This is happening literally at the end of my shift. I was looking forward to going home and enjoying the rest of my Saturday night hanging out, when all of a sudden this happens. I turn around and notice that somehow the desk was moved behind me at the corner. Surrounding the desk on the floor is quarters and other coins. I am suddenly in awe and am worried about being accused of doing this action. In any case, I tell my manager about it and he comes in and looks for the desk. There is nothing there. Just the glass window and nothing against the wall. No registers, chairs, or anything whatsoever. He replies, "Hmm...Oh my. What happened here? This isn't good." I am suddenly worried about being accused of messing this whole thing up and stealing the money. More co-workers come in and are also in awe. Looking for an explanation, I look down and see there is a large hole at the bottom of the box office and notice that someone must have broken in while I was in the bathroom, stealing the money, and all valuables without anyone noticing. In any case, I point it out and then all of a sudden we know what must have happened. I am breaking into a sweat but I know that I am not going to get into trouble because I mean, how am I supposed to know that was going to happen? I just left the box office for a few seconds to use the restroom...during break time! Anyway, after that happened I work in the box office the next day. Everything is back to normal and running smoothly. Then, after I'm done in the box office, I'm getting ready to head home when all of sudden I find out that I'm $900 short. I have no idea how that happened. I was like, "Oh...that's weird." The assistant manager replies, "Looks like a write up!" I was like, "Oh, great. I thought that would be enough to get me fired." But, since I do have a pretty clean slate at my job, I was not totally surprised. But dang, $900?!!! Wow. And that is when I woke up realizing it was all just a dream....