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Sunday, May 25, 2014

TatToO rAnDoMnEsS

Here it goes...another one of my random dreams surfaced a few days ago that I thought is worth mentioning...

I'm at this event with a friend of mine; I can't recall if it is a convention or an art show, but I remember a tattoo parlor being there so I figure it will be cool to get a new tat. I've never had a tattoo before and I'm pretty curious to get one. I'm looking at all of the neat demos on the wall and find one of the map of Europe. Impulsive, I rush up to the woman giving the tattoos and tell her I'd love to have the map of Europe around my entire skull. I figure it will be pretty awesome. She gets to work right away and I'm just sitting there telling her about my life story. Hours and hours go by and I'm hearing the sound of non-stop buzzing as she does my skull. When it's finished, I take a glance in the mirror and commend her on how accurate a job she did. She gets the map down to the lines of the equator. I'm really taken a back and then all of a sudden think to myself, How the hell am I going to get or keep a job with this awesome mess?! I don't care, I just go along with it and then leave the place.

The upper part of my skull is covered in blue as you can see areas of land. England right next to my left eye. It is a pretty awesome sight. Not being the kind of guy that craves attention, I ask myself why the hell did I go through with this? Then I just go around the convention with my friend some more and then check out more of the sights. Putting my beanie on and having a full head of hair, I can contain the obviousness of the tat but then realize, Who cares?! The following day, I'm walking to work and I get a shit load of people stopping by to inspect my head.

I wish there was a reasoning to this dream. I guess since I've been hoping to go back to Europe again, I have Europe on the brain...literally.