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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mixed Dreaming

Have you ever had a dream/nightmare that was so real you thought you were actually living in it? Well, as of a few nights ago, I have. It all took place in Christmas 2009.

I had to work that night, but I remember not having to go in because we were over-staffed. Instead, I headed to my friend Erik's place out in the valley, because he was hosting a big Christmas party. Pulling up in his driveway at about 6pm, the party was practically. I could smell the fresh chlorine from the water where everyone had been swiming and playing around and was in fact a bit dissapointed that I had gotten there so late. I wasn't even invited to this party because since I live in Santa Monica and practically lost touch with all of my valley life, I was just not invited, but I showed up. Everyone was pleased to see me and when I saw Eric I had to reintroduce myself. "Hey, I'm Nick Illes from Buckley." He said, "Hey, how's it going?" And then moved on. I believe I slept over his place because the next thing I knew we all went to this themepark or a Chuck-E-Cheeze-like place and then ordered some pizza. Going in there, I was going to play some arcades but I didn't know that we actually had to get stamped in order to go. I finally got my stamp, and then we ordered pizza. Mine was all crispy and over-cooked, but I had it anyway.

Here's my favorite part of my dream:

I walked up to what seemed like an old mansion. I have no idea how I got there, but outside of it there seemed to be some sort of party. This place was huge with columns and elongated gothic windows. It was awesome! And there was a big courtyard where people were dining with wine and orderves. I go inside the house and I notice that everything is covered in marble. And there is even an elevator! I get in, and notice that there is a Batman poster on the wall. Something about the upcoming film following The Dark Knight. I get out of the elevator and walk into another room. As I'm walking I see that I'm in the middle of a filmshoot for the new film. Someone looking like the Joker and a henchmen are speeding in this truck and pass right by me crashing into a wall which then the car explodes on impact killing the passengers. For a quick second I look at the driver and think that it actually is Ledger, but it's not, it's someone they probably used to make you think it was and that is the way they wanted to kill off his character since they literally leave us hanging with his character still alive in The Dark Kight. I thought to myself, What a way to end that character.

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