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Friday, October 31, 2014

The Stalker

Happy Halloween everyone! What better way to start this holiday than with a totally fucked up nightmare? Let us begin shall we...

It all starts when I meet an ex I haven't seen for ages. She reminds me a bit of my 12th grade English teacher, Mrs. Fox, but much better looking. Finally finding the correct location after driving in circles, I find the correct house. Carefully looking for parking, so as not to get a ticket-as I'm usually prone to getting-I park and prepare myself. Knocking on the door, I'm greeted with a gorgeous smile and a sense of relief in captivating brown eyes. Coming inside, the house reeks of cat odor and blankets as well as boxes are spread around like a tornado just hit. It is time to move out and I am here to help her.

Unknown to me, she still has feelings for me as we were a former flame and we start to make out. One thing leads to another and we are just on the floor cradling each other. Starting to realize that we have both moved on and gone our separate ways, the packing continues. We start to--all of a sudden someone comes in the house. It is her current boyfriend. Surprised to see me, we begin packing some more. After getting a lot of work done, we head over to my place and relax. All three of us.

Three of us are sleeping in my bed and all of a sudden there's this loud noise outside of my window from what sounds like children. One child yells, "Over here! Hurry!" Apparently there is a bunch of them. It is what seems to be a day camp full of kids right outside my house playing in a large field of grass. Shutting the blinds, we are all awake and start talking to each other. My ex's boyfriend is fixing to leave and tells her, "Come on. We better get going." Protesting as she is quite comfortable in my bed, she replies, "You go on ahead. I'll follow you." Right off the bat, I see a sense of negativity and annoyance in his face. We both know the reason why she wants to stay. She wants to spend more time with me and have him out of the picture. Leaving my apartment passive aggressively, her bf leaves and I can already see this is going to a bad place.

Days go by and the moving is almost done. We bring some more friends to help out and there's her boyfriend, helping out as well. Now, I'm sure you've seen those forensic shows at least once in your life. You know that most crimes start out subtly and then escalate. Well...this escalated to a horrible degree.

The moving is almost done, but there is still a lot more to do. My ex and I look at each other while her bf is aware of it the entire time. Why I didn't just get up and leave then and there, I have no idea why. Hell, I don't even know why I came to help her move in the first place! Her bf gives suggestions about calling it a day, to which she replies, "No Chris, we're going to finish moving. This is MY place remember? So just back off! Nick, can you please help me move this?" I'm helping her when I notice Chris is sitting by himself in the shadows looking down. Something is not right. I feel bad for him yet also know it is probably best not to get involved. He certainly is going to pop...and sure enough he does. Realizing a bit too late that this anger is about to unleash, I rush to my car only to realize I don't have my keys with me. I come back into the house and already Chris has brutally murdered our moving buddies with a knife. Frozen in my tracks, I look around at all the blood and destruction. He has done all this because he knew we still had a spark. Apparently Chris has confiscated my phone, clothes and keys before me getting a chance to retrieve them. Why didn't I leave sooner?!!! Blood is everywhere and my ex, whom we shall call Joan, is panicked. Chris spots me and shouts, "Oh! You're looking for these?!" He throws me my keys and as I run out the door, I feel a zap from my phone. He set up a transmitter to shock me while I run to my car. Can I escape? I don't care, I keep running. Furious that I haven't stopped due to the shocks, he runs to me like a creature of the night attempting to stop me. I start the car and get the fuck out of there.

Poor Joan...I wonder to myself. He better leave his fucking hands off you or so help me! After arriving at my place, I call her and we talk for a while. My voice begins to carry and she warns me to stay away. It is starting to get dark and we are still on the phone. Then, looking out of my window, a huge 80s RCA camcorder is floating by and filming my every word. It's as if Luke Skywalker had used the Force to send this floating camera out of nowhere. I'm freaked out. Joan does not seem to be surprised when I tell her a camcorder is floating out of my window. It seems to be old news to her. Then...like a light switch, I figure it out. Chris has been spying on me and her...Talk about someone with insecurities! Hanging up, the camera floats away to oblivion. I look around and it is nowhere to be seen.

Talking to her again and feeling upset that she is controlled by this antisocial freak, I head to her new apartment. I take her out to lunch while her bf is at work. We're enjoying a good conversation when she notices someone looking at her from the bushes. I ask her, "Is everything alright?" She says, "Yes." ''He's stalking you isn't he?" Nodding her head ever so slightly, we rush out of there and I take her to the new apartment. Thinking that we arrived before him, he's already waiting for her at the front door.

The end?


  1. This reminds me of many of the dreams that I have. They are scary. It has happened to me before where I have reoccurring nightmares. There was this one time that I had the same nightmare three nights in a row. By the fourth night I was afraid to fall asleep. I like that your dream is very detailed, it feels like I am reading a story not just a dream. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Wow! The same dream over and over again? That's nuts! So, it was just from beginning to end identical?
