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Friday, November 19, 2010

Car Trouble

Okay, where to begin. How about the beginning? Anyway, it all started at the elementary school I work in. The kids were going on some kind of field trip that was within walking distance. I was one of the guides to make sure they got their safely. Anyway, as we are walking to wherever the destination is, it starts to rain a little. Luckily the kids get to the location in the nick of time right before it starts to pour really bad. My friend/co-worker Eddie and I are walking with them. It turns out to be this big museum of sorts.

As we enter the museum, Sir Michael Caine is there and seems to be a guest speaker, or something. After he's done with his conversation, it's time for the kids to return to class. For some reason, I end up staying and start to strike conversation with the old chap. I start to walk him to wherever he is headed, while the kids were already on their way back to class. We start talking about something because there is a very awkward silence. I begin using quotes from Batman. "Would you be using the Batpod today, sir?" He starts to break out laughing. This is great because I had assumed that he would either be annoyed or just ask me to get the fuck away from him. Using some more quotes, he breaks into more laughter. Finally, he gets to his destination and we part ways.

Afterward, I run and catch up with the kids walking them back to class. I get into my car and then drop my friend Eddie off. As we are driving, something is weird about the handling of my car. I don't know what it is, but I do make it to his place safely. We get there, and when I get out of the car, I realize that I have a flat...When his mom comes out, she calls my house and informs my mom that I have a flat. Don't ask me why, but she insists. Anyway, after getting the cars fixed, I head home late at like around 10 or so and as I'm driving home, I see Javier Bardem crossing the street in the middle of attempting to figure out his iPhone. I don't say anything to him, but at am just a little surprise. He looks exactly like he did in No Country, so like hell if I was going to stop and talk to him, haha! But yeah, and then I headed home.

And then I wake up...

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