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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Probably the most fucked up dream....

Last night, after having a long night working at the polls I had the most fucked up dream...or should I say nightmare. I was at my house just getting back from school when all of a sudden I see all these limos parked in my driveway. Long limos and a few Hummers and such, all in black and all shiney and brand new. I get in the house, tired as fuck just ready to lay down and enjoy the rest of the day. Right when I open the door, I look to the dining room and I see Mitt Romney himself sitting at a desk with a few people surrounding him. I notice my dad is flurying around with papers and my mom is no where to be found. Mitt is sitting there doing nothing and then starts to look in my direction. "Well, what the fuck are you doing young man? I need you to get to work. It is imperative that you do whatever I ask for the good of the country." My first reaction was to knock the shit out of this dude. Who is he, candidate or not, to tell me what to do in my own house? I know that my family is against him and especially my dad. So, why the hell would everyone be scouraging around working for him. What the heck is going on here? This can't be real. Then, all of a sudden he gets up and looks at me and says that if I don't do what he says, he's going to have me shot and killed. Really? What is going on here? I found myself to be a bit nervous and go over to my father and take him across the room to talk to him. "Dad, what the hell is going on here? Why is he running his campaign in our house?" My dad, for the first time in his life seemed to be scared, replied, "Let's just get this over with." Romney overheard us and turned his head in curiosity listening to the sound of us whispering and said, "...What was that?" My dad replied, "Nothing, sir. Just telling my son what he wants us to do for you." "Good", Romney replied. "I am going to do all I can to make this country a safer and more prosperous place and we don't need another four years of this black man in the white house." I replied, "Excuse me you motherfucker! You just care about money and have no intention of bringing jobs to the people. You plan on keeping the rich rich and the poor poor and just work for the top 1%. How is that bringing jobs to the people? You say you are for America, yet all you talk about is money and how you created jobs...you did not create jobs. You took away jobs from the people and when you gave them no choice but to either keep the jobs and get less pay, or to screw off and look somewhere else. Helping the American people? Sir, I beg to differ."

Not saying anything to me, Romney kept on looking at himself in the mirror to see if his retired-superhero-like hair was in place. This guy could care less about what I had to say. Little did he know that I broadcast this entire home invasion in the mirror he was looking in so the whole world could see what an ass he was making of himself; which of course wouldn't be a hard since he does that effortlessly.

Anyway, after leaving and trying to threaten us, the next day I turn on the MSNBC and the BBC just to see this asshole Romney in jail for threatening the people he swears to protect. Moron. God, dreams can be so fulfilling sometimes...

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