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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Nightmare at Work...

Have you ever had a nightmare that involved your job or co-workers? Well, just a few nights ago I've experienced something that was so spectacular I just had to write it down!

It all started on a Saturday evening at work. Break time starts soon and customers are already in the theaters watching their respective movie. Working behind the concession stand, I decide to just fiddle around with my DROID RAZR MAXX and chat with a few workers. We begin talking about customers and how they can be so rude. Co-worker X states, "Man, that guy didn't even say thank you when I let him come in even though he didn't pay for his ticket!" I reply, "That's Santa Monica for you. People can be so rude here. Whenever something goes wrong, the first person to take the crap is us, the ones who have no control over the situation." I go on and mention a negative experience I have with a customer when my boss comes over to us and engages in our conversation. We are practically over-staffed that night and a few of us were asked if we wanted to go home. None of us wanted to go home so we keep talking about movies and customers and just anything to pass the time really.


Leaning over the counter, my boss makes jokes that we all started laughing to. And--[bump] [bump]. And...we just start figuring out if we should just order something or go out individually and get food. Luckily I had my food upstairs so just had to run up and grab it.

[Bump] [bump]

Am I hearing things? Anyway, I go upstairs to grab my lunch and continue talking to the ones present. I say, "Do you guys hear something?" The manager replies, "It's probably from that movie. We've been getting a lot of complaints from people regarding the loudness. I had to move it to another room because having an action film next to a romantic comedy...just doesn't mix." And then I notice that the carpet of the theater is moving up and down like the ocean on a windy day. I think to myself, What the fuck is going on here...And of course that is when everyone notices what is going on and it is too late. But then...

It went away...

And then, out of nowhere the entire lobby turned to dark and the room flipped upside down as easily as a weight. We all got together wondering what was happening and then all of a sudden the chandeliers on the ceiling begin excreting fire. It was as if we were in hell. Yes, for those of you I know work can be hell, but this really was hell! We all begin holding hands in desperation and surround one of the now-fire-lighting chandeliers and are almost in a warship position. It is what looks like an evil gathering that is taking place and we are sacrificed for some evil god. Then, we all are floating in the air surrounding it and look as how sky divers look when they all hold hands to form a circle. People all of a sudden start to disappear around us. We yell for help but no one seems to hear us, or respond. One of us is engulfed by a flame and then another and then another. All I wanted to do was just go home but there was no way out.

The manger was the first to go and his death was just horrific! First he was sucked into the fire, and then he was what looked to be slowly vaporizing in front of our very eyes. There was nothing we were able to do but just hope that whatever happened to him, wouldn't reach us. I begin to wish that I had gotta food from elsewhere instead of already bringing my own.  When we notice a customer come out and ask for more popcorn, he is suddenly engulfed by the flame and is never heard from again. After this happens, the room goes back to normal and customers are in the lobby yelling at us to keep the noise down.

Hmm...what is the moral of this dream? Not to talk bad about customers or we will have dire consequences? Who knows...but I'm glad I survived. It was not cool at all...

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