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Friday, November 4, 2011

Random Rescue

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, I'm at what seems to be this amazing beach on a cliff with my old friend Alexandra and another friend and we are just enjoying the sights from this amazing view. The day is sunny with just a few clouds in the sky and I've got to tell you, the air and breeze is just right. Not a flaw with the weather. All of a sudden, we are joking around about something and her friend shows up and just buts in on our conversation. (Don't you just hate when that happens?) Anyway, I'm not sure what we are discussing but it turns out to be really funny.

We are daring each other who wants to jump into the freezing sea water and swim back to the shore. Alexandra explains, "No way, Nick. I'm not going to go in that water. It's way too fucking cold for my taste. And plus the jump is way too big for me." Myself, in case you guys are wondering, is more like the person watching the whole thing, since it's my dream. So, in a way I'm there but also not there. Then all of a sudden, I tell her friend, "Hey, Jessica! You should jump in there!" All of a sudden, she does and we see her jumping and as she falls she looks just like Superman gliding in the air. I catch myself humming the Superman tune and Alexandra chimes in. Anyway, she finally reaches the water and seeing her in there is like seeing a grain or something in a cereal bowl. It's gigantic compared to her. As I look up, I notice and helicopter appears in the sky out of nowhere; a rescue chopper.

All of a sudden, these two men dive in the water and help get her out. After getting her out, they come and ask us questions about what had happened. Freaked out, both of us head over to them. All of a sudden, as we walk over the area surrounding us appears to be some kind of barrier of a pool or something of the sort. So, we walk over and the man asks us, "Okay, so you know her?" And we both hesitate at first but I just want to be honest and tell her, "Sir, I was the one who told her to jump off the end of the edge." The man looks down and sighs a little. Telling me that she could have been killed, I understand and said that it won't happen again. The guys take my word for it and my fears of being arrested or something of the sort disappear and we all end up leaving. The chopper leaves and then that's that.

All of a sudden, we are in a pool again, but this time there is no room to swim anywhere and that same chopper shows up. And then I wake up...

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